How Poker is Played?

How Poker is Played?

There are so many popular variants of poker. Poker rules depend on which variants you are talking about.

First and foremost, you need to clarify the different poker game variants to know which poker rules shall apply. There are many variants to the poker game but the more universal poker game variants are: draw poker, stud poker, widow poker game, and miscellaneous poker games (which include Stud Horse poker, Oxford stud, Billabong (and Shanghai), Guts, and Blind Man’s Bluff).

However, the most commonly played poker games for the first three variants are the five-card draw, seven-card stud, and the Texas hold ’em.

Anybody who has not heard of the poker game? Anybody who has never played poker before? I guess not that many. Even celebrities nowadays participate in celebrity poker games.

However, the origin of poker is largely unclear. It is controversial as to who can claim the origin of this card game. In fact it is generally acknowleged that poker is the greatest game ever invented. The French have it ‘poque’ which descended from the Germans’ ‘pochen’ which means “to knock”. However, it can be contested that it could have originated from the Persian game of ‘as nas’ that could have been taught to the French settlers by Persian sailors in New Orleans. No matter how poker came about, poker has been one of the most popular games. Poker players really love the game. Poker rules therefore are extremely important since stakes can go very high.

We need to know the basics in order to play poker well. We need to know the poker rules according to the poker variants. Poker etiquette is equally important. Winning is everything in poker since poker is a skill game.

Five-card draw poker is the most played poker game variant. The poker rules for the five-card draw are generally easy to remember. It is assumed that you basically know the general poker game play, the hand values and the betting system. Poker rules differ from the home-style games to the more formal games as played in the casinos. For formal games blinds are commonly used while for home games, it is more typical use an ante. Ante is where the first betting round starts from the player to the dealers left, then the second round betting begins with the player who opened or made the first non-zero betting in the preceding round.

A common house rule in playing five card draw in home or social games is that a player can not replace more than three cards, unless he holds an ace or a wild card so that the deck stub will not be easily depleted. Another common house rule is that the last card in the deck stub is not dealt anymore to ensure that anybody who might have seen it will not use that information.

In the seven card stud, poker rules are a bit more complex than the five card draw since two to eight players can play. The only poker rule to remember, if possible memorize them as “two down, four up, one down”. This is the procedural layout of the cards.

The third most commonly played poker game is the Texas Hold ’em. There are two types of Texas Hold ’em, limit and no limit. The poker rules here are the same with the earlier variants but what makes Texas Hold ’em different is the introduction of cameras where spectators were able to view each players cards.

So far, we have seen that poker rules vary according to variant of poker game being played. Now that we have learned the different poker rules, the next step is to learn the poker strategies to compete with your fellow players.


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In this book, How to Play and Win at Poker: Skills and tactics for beginners,
there is a very interesting history about poker. I would totally recommend this book for anyone who is a novice or want-to-be poker player.

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