Review of Thirteen Against The Bank by Norman Leigh.

Review of Thirteen Against The Bank by Norman Leigh.

In this book “Thirteen Against The Bank” published in 1975, now out of print, it was said that Norman Leigh led his team of twelve players use a gambling system to break the casino bank in Nice.

In the early days, the casino system was such that when the table lost all the money to the player, that table will lay a black cloth signifying the player has broken the bank.

What Norman Leigh attempted to prove was that it is possible to win out of proportion to your loss. In other words, lose small and win big.
So, he used a method known as reverse labourche.

If you have never heard of labourche system, I will explain it here.

Labourche system is also known as split martindale. It is played this way.

You can start with any series of numbers. For example


Each time you bet the sum of the first and last numbers. If you win you cancel off the numbers. If you lose, you add the bet number at the end of the string.

Let us say we start with

Our first bet is 1+3=4. We bet 4units. If won our string becomes

12. Now we bet 3. If won we have won our series of 7 units. If lost, the string becomes


We continue playing until we win the series or lost our bankroll.

Norman Leigh figure that rare events cause the player to lose out of proportion to their modest wins. So, he reversed it. Hence the name reverse labourche.

In reverse labourche, when we win, we add the number. When we lose we cancel the numbers. We end our progression when we hit the table limit.
Although Norman Leigh won during his trip it was subsequently proven that his method is flawed. It is possible to win short term due to variance, just like striking a jackpot. Overall, it is not a winning system.

Theoretically, it is possible to break the bank if the casino do not have table limits. Because super rare events will create powerful exponential bets to break the bank.

However, all casinos know this crucial part of the gambling theory. They cap on table limits so that the casino odds will always work for the casinos but against the gamblers.

Thirteen Against the Bank

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