Quit Gambling or Reduce Your Gambling: Self-Help Guide

Quit Gambling or Reduce Your Gambling: Self-Help Guide

This self-help guide is divided into two major sections.

The first section examines your motivation. The second section examines the technical aspect of behaviour modification.

This self-help guide work better if you can find a volunteer to help out.


Your motivation to quit gambling or reduce your gambling must be strong enough. The stronger the motivation, the better the outcome.

1. The self-help guide will ask you to define your goal with respect to quit gambling. Your goal will guide your efforts throughout the self-help guide program. Your goals may be quit gambling completely or just cutting back. The self-help guide will provide you with some tips as to which of the two goals may be right for you.

2. Then you have to strengthen your committment to solve your gambling problem. Many individuals frequently decide to change a habit when they are hit by a crisis or a sudden avalanche of problems. While this may be very motivating initially, this type of motivation sometimes does not last very long. As a result, what looked like a good idea at first, may now seem less urgent or critical. To prevent this from happening, this self-help guide will maximize your motivation to change your gambling by helping you to examine the role gambling has had in your life as well as its effects in a very honest and transparent way. You will also explore some of your essential core values and the way gambling may have threatened these core values.


Behaviour modification is not possible without sufficient motivation and committment.

1. Lifestyle and coping with urges.

Here, the self-help guide will introduce some practical ways for you to quickly make changes in your gambling behaviour. You may already have done quite a bit on your own so this may be like a refresher. You have to consider how you spend your free time, with whom you spend it, and your relationship with money. You can, and probably have already started to, make different decisions about how you live your life and spend your available free time and money. The goal of this section of the self-help guide is to strengthen your efforts at changing your lifestyle so that gambling no longer fits in. You also have to examine how you are going to cope with urges, temptations and cravings. Since urges and temptations can be a serious obstacle to your behaviour modification, the self-help guide will examine strategies to cope with them.

2. Belief Systems.

Many gamblers develop strong beliefs about their chances of winning, how to win, how to avoid losing, and so on. These belief systems can be a serious problem over the long-term since they can still provide the illusion that you may be able to eventually succeed at gambling. Even though you may cut back or stop entirely, these gambling thoughts and beliefs do not generally disappear on their own. They need to be discussed and evaluated. The self-help guide will examine specific beliefs and attitudes about gambling and winning that may apply to you, how to identify them, and what to do when they become a threat to your behaviour modification.

3. Re-build relationships.

Here, you have to examine the state of your relationships with the people you care, your family, work colleagues and close friends. As is true with any habit that has got out of control, you are not the only one who suffers. Your gambling problems can also harm your relationship with your family, work colleagues and close friends. As part of your recovery process, you have to take action to improve these relationships. This may take between six weeks to six months. Identify relationship issues early, and you are more likely to succeed in behaviour modification and improve your quality of life.

4. Visualize future.

Within these six weeks to six months, you have to be aware of any obstacles to your behaviour modification. Monitoring the progress of behaviour modification is important because it is a way to check what is working and what isn’t working. While the material in self-help guide may sound very reasonable and useful, sometimes applying it to your own situation may be difficult. You may find that your gambling problem is surprisingly more serious. You may also find it hard to adhere to your committment. Whatever the difficulty, this self-help guide will help you figure out how to get over these obstacles. Finally, monitor your progress, take note of what is working and work proactively to maintain your quality of life.


If you have overwhelming gambling debts, you have to seek help from a professional financial counsellor to discuss specific strategies to deal with such debt.

self-help guide


If you would like to read further, this book is strongly recommended:

A complete guide to understanding the real world of gambling and its consequences. Can be of enormous help and benefit for all kinds of gamblers or potential gamblers. Provides knowledge and guidance to teach teenagers and adults how to end or never begin a gambling experience

Gambling Facts and Fictions: The Anti-Gambling Handbook to get yourself to stop gambling, quit gambling or never start gambling

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Self-Help Guide to Quit or Reduce Your Gambling

Self-Help Guide to Quit or Reduce Your Gambling

This self-help guide will propose to you a number of techniques and strategies to help you reduce your compulsive gambling to recreational gambling or, if you prefer, to quit gambling completely.

You will find this guide useful even if you have just begun to experience problems as a result of your gambling but did not consider it serious enough to seek intensive treatment. If this is the case, then studying this self-help guide may prevent you from developing a more serious problem in the future.

First and foremost, you have to admit that you have a compulsive gambling problem. Then find out why you have that gambling problem. Be as specific as you can. The next step is try to evaluate how compulsive gambling is affecting your behaviour.

Gambling is about money. So, you have to proactively attempt to evaluate the high monetary cost of your gambling.

More importantly is your thought pattern. Try to jot them as floaters of thoughts come and go. Thought pattern is always the source of your gambling behaviour. You have to proactively dismiss thought process that turns you into a compulsive gambler. An easier method is to replace that gambling thought with a healthier thought.

Replacing your daily activity with a more constructive activity will effectively stop you from compulsive gambling or reduce it to recreational gambling.

You are bound to face psychological conflicts. So, forgive yourself.

Your problem does not end here. You have left behind messy problems created by your misguided gambling venture. To clear this messy problems, you have to break it down and solve it step by step.

You must get yourself to relax so that your judgement is not blurred by emotion. Simplify your life and recreate your core values.

Work out why gambling exists in your life. You have to re-learn how to appreciate the value of money.

Start eating healthy food, laugh off the stupid thing you do in compulsive gambling. Just accept that misguided gambling venture as a dark side of life.

Then, make sure you enjoy the company of others. And thank all people who helped you.

Life has to carry on. So, enjoy life without gambling.

Studies have shown that most compulsive gamblers can quit within a period of six weeks to six months.

I know that many gamblers develop strong beliefs about their chances of winning, how to win, how to avoid losing, and so on. These beliefs can be a serious problem in the long-term since they still provide the illusion that you may be able to eventually succeed at gambling. Even though you may reduce or stop entirely, these gambling thoughts and beliefs do not generally disappear on their own. They need to be discussed, preferably with people you are comfortable with.

In this self-help guide, I will look at specific beliefs and attitudes about gambling and winning that may apply to you, how to identify them, and what to do when they become a threat to your goal to quit gambling.

I will also examine the state of your relationships with your family, work colleagues and close friends. It is important to take action early to improve these relationships.

quit gambling


The goal of this self-help guide is to help you to quit gambling or reduce to recreational level. You will then get back the quality of life that you deserve.

This is the purpose of this blog.

For general discussion, you may ask a question in any blog, inform me by email. I will then post a reply in that blog.

For confidential private discussion, you must email me with details of your problem.

My service is free and will always be.

If you would like to learn more, “Fool Me Once” by Rick Lax is strongly recommended.

The theme of this book is about deception. Las Vegas, the City of Sin is notorious in deception ranging from drugs, prostitution to gambling. I recommended this book so that you can get the big picture and start seeing casino as a scam business. Once you see casino as a scam business, quitting is very easy.

Fool Me Once by Rick Lax

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